It Came From Beneath the Sink! – Chapter 5🧽😱🎃💀👻🧟‍♀️🦇

Que trata del libro de terror escrito por R. L. Stine

Lectura en inglés justo a tiempo para el mes de octubre. Lector, ¿estás listo para el horror? It Came from Beneath the Sink! (¡Lo Encontramos Debajo Del Fregadero!) es un libro de terror de la serie de libros Goosebumps (Escalofríos en español) escrita por el autor estadounidense R.L. Stine. Es una historia fácil de leer, divertida e ideal para iniciarse en la lectura.

¿Crees que Kat empujó a su padre? O tal vez la culpable sea la esponja malvada? 😱🧽

🧽Chapter 5🧽

Mom, Daniel and I gathered together around Dad. His eyes flickered open. He blinked. “Uh?” he muttered. “What happened?” Dad shook his head and leaned on his elbows to get up. “I think I’m fine, kids”, he said in a quivering voice. Dad tried to stand up, but he collapsed to the floor. “My ankle. I think it could be broken”, he groaned in pain. We helped Dad make it to the sofa, I stood at his side and Mom stood at his other side. “Ouch, it really hurts”, he complained. He rubbed his ankle gently.
“Daniel, bring a little ice in a towel for your father”, said Mom. “Kat, go get a cold drink.” “Now, honey”, whispered Mom, drying Dad’s forehead, “tell me what happened.” When I returned running to the living room with a glass of cold water, Mom and Dad had the strangest expression in the world written on their faces. “Kat”, said my mom angrily, “did you push your father?” “Why did you push the ladder?” asked Dad, rubbing his ankle. “Huh? What?” I blurted out. “I didn’t push you! I would never do that!” “We’ll talk about this later, young lady”, said Mom sternly. “Right now, I have to take care of your father.” She leaned over him and placed the ice pack on Dad’s hurt ankle. I felt like my face was becoming red. How could Dad think that I had pushed him? I lowered my gaze and I realized that I still had the sponge. And I noticed something else. Something strange and frightening. Instead of beating gently, the sponge vibrated in my hand. It vibrated wildly. Ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum. It vibrated… as if someone had turned on a blender to the highest speed. The sponge was practically purring with excitement. Gu-ahh. Gu-ahh. I sat down on the floor of the foyer, trembling. “What’s happening here?”, I asked myself. Daniel thought that I had pushed him. And later, Dad had said the same thing. They both thought that I had pushed them. Why? Ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum. The sponge continued pulsating and it felt hot in my hand. I felt a chill of fear. Suddenly, the sponge seemed to be something terrifying. I didn’t want to have that thing close to me… or my family. I ran out in a hurry. I found a big, metal trash can close to the garage. I lifted the lid. I put the sponge in. I firmly closed the lid. On the way back to the house, Mom called me into the living room. “I think your Dad’s ankle is only twisted”, she said. “Now, tell me what happened.”

It was Thursday, I was sitting at my desk and writing the names of the guests invited to my birthday party. There were only two days left until the big day. I had to give Mom the list today, so that she could call the other parents for Sunday. I heard Daniel chatting with Carlo while they came up the stairs loudly. “Look at it… it looks like an old sponge. But it’s alive!” explained Daniel. “I bet it’s a prehistoric creature, like a dinosaur or something like that.” I jumped up and I ran out of my room. “Hey!” I shouted at Daniel. “What are you doing with that?” I pointed to the sponge that he had in his hands. “I threw that thing away.” “I found it in the trash can”, Daniel replied. “It’s way too interesting to throw away. Right, Carlo?” Carlo shrugged his shoulders, his coarse, black hair grazed his shoulders. “It looks like an old sponge. What’s so special about it?” “It’s very special” I replied. “And that thing is definitely not a sponge.” I took out a bulky book from my new book shelf. “Look through the encyclopedia”, I explained. “What it says about sponges.” “You should have left it in the trash, Daniel.” “You really should have left it.” “What does the encyclopedia say?” asked Daniel anxiously, getting comfortable on the bed. He had the sponge in his hands. “It says that sponges don’t have eyes”, I answered. “And that they can only live in the water. If they stay out of water for more than thirty minutes, they’ll die.” “You see, Carlo? It’s not a sponge”, Daniel declared. “Our creature has eyes. And has been out of water since we found it.” “Well, I don’t see any eyes. And I don’t think it’s alive”, said Carlo without conviction. Daniel jumped up from the bed and offered the sponge to his friend. “Take it. Look at it.” Carlo handled the sponge carefully. His big, brown eyes got even bigger. “It’s hot! And… and… it moves. And it’s writhing! It’s alive.” Carlo turned around to look at me. “But if it’s not a sponge, then… then, what is it?” “I don’t know yet”, I admitted. “Maybe it’s some type of supersponge”, Daniel said. “So powerful that it can live on land.” “It could be a cross between a sponge and some other animal”, added Carlo, looking at the sponge. “Can I take it to my house for a bit? It will really get Sandy’s attention.” Sandy is Carlo’s babysitter. “I’ll bring it right back”, promised Carlo. “No way, Carlo”, I quickly said. “I think I’ll keep the sponge here until I know exactly what it is. Here… inside this old hamster cage.” “Please”, begged Carlo, petting the sponge on its wrinkled head. “See? I get along well with it.” “There’s no way! I replied. “Daniel, tell your friend to stop bothering me.” “Okay, okay”, muttered Carlo. “Listen, what does this thing eat?” “I don’t know”, I replied. “But it seems to do well without eating. Put it in the cage.” Carlo reached the cage and put the creature in it. While he was doing that, an expression of terror appeared on his face. I saw that his hand was trembling. Then, he let out a horrifying cry. “Ow! My hand! It ate my hand!”

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One Comment

  1. No hay má capítulos?! Quiero saber cómo acaba! 😅

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