Egg Monsters From Mars – Chapter 2 & 3 🥚💀🎃🦇🧛‍♀️🧟‍♀️👻

Que trata del libro de terror escrito por R. L. Stine

Lectura en inglés justo a tiempo para el mes de octubre. Lector, ¿estás listo para el horror? Egg Monsters From Mars (Los Monstruos Ovíparos De Marte) es un libro de terror de la serie de libros Goosebumps (Escalofríos en español) escrita por el autor estadounidense R.L. Stine. Es otra historia fácil de leer, divertida e ideal para iniciarse en la lectura.

🥚Chapter 2🥚

“Ahhhhh!” The shout vibrated through the air. I turned around towards the house. One of the Hair Sisters waved her hand wildly, calling the other girls. I picked up my basket and ran towards her. “They’re not cooked!” I heard her yell as I was getting closer. And I saw that the thick, yellow yolk dripped down her white t-shirt. “Mom didn’t have time to cook them”, announced Brandy. “Or paint them.” I know it’s weird, but there just wasn’t time. I looked up towards the house. Mom and Dad had disappeared. “Be careful”, Brandy warned her guests. “If you guys break them..” She didn’t finish her sentence. I heard a splat. Then, laughter… A boy had slammed an egg against the wall of the house just for the heck of it. “Cool!” exclaimed a girl. Anne’s big shepherd dog, Stubby, came running out of the doghouse. I don’t know why he likes to sleep there. He’s almost as big as the house. Nevertheless, I didn’t have time to think about Stubby. Splat! Another egg exploded, this time against the wall of the shed. More laughter, Brandy’s friends thought that this was really entertaining. “Egg fight! Egg fight!”, two kids started chanting. I ducked when an egg flew over my head; it landed with a loud crack on the driveway. Eggs were now flying everywhere. I stood there surprised, watching everything. I heard a high-pitched scream. I turned around to see two of the Hair Sisters. The thick, yellow liquid dripped down from their heads. They screamed and shook their heads, trying to get rid of the yellow sliminess with both their hands. Splat! Another egg slammed against the wall of the shed. Crack! The eggs bounced on the driveway. I crouched down and looked for Anne, I figured she probably had gone home. Anne can enjoy a good time; however, she’s twelve years old and is way too sophisticated for a childish egg fight. Well, when I’m wrong, I’m really wrong. “Think fast, Dennis!” Anne yelled out behind me. I threw myself on the ground just in time because she launched two eggs at me at the same time. Both of them passed buzzing over my head and fell on the lawn with a gross crack. “Stop!” “Stop!” I heard Brandy desperately scream. “It’s my birthday! Stop it! “It’s my birthday!” Ouch! Someone hit Brandy in the chest with an egg. You could hear loud laughter. Sticky, yellow puddles covered the lawn of the yard. I looked up towards Anne. She was smiling behind me, about to throw another egg at me. It was time for action. I reached my hand into my basket and took out the only egg that I had found, I lifted it above my head. I was going to throw it… but I stopped. I lowered the egg and I stared at it attentively. I observed it carefully, there was something wrong with the egg. Something really wrong.

🥚Chapter 3🥚

The only egg I had managed to find was way too big. Bigger than a normal egg, approximately the size of a softball. I held it, examining it carefully. The color wasn’t normal either; it didn’t have the white, creamy tone that all eggs have; it wasn’t brown either. The egg was pale green. I held it up to the sunlight to make sure I had seen it correctly. Yes, it was green. And why did it have those cracks that were all over its shell? I slid my index finger over the dark, jagged lines. No, they weren’t cracks. They were some sort of vein, blue and purple veins that went through the green eggshell. “How weird!” I murmured out loud. Brandy’s friends were yelling and shouting. Eggs were flying all around me, an egg crashed on my shoes and the yellow yolk spilled over my shoelaces. But I didn’t pay any attention. I rolled the strange egg around gently between my hands. I brought it closer to my face and looked carefully at the blue and purple veins. “Oh!” I let out a shout when I felt it throb. The veins were throbbing, I could feel their rhythmic beat. Pum. Pum. Pum. “Wow!” “It’s alive!’ I shouted. What had I found? It was something completely strange, I couldn’t wait to run to my work desk and examine it. However, first I had to show it to Anne. “Anne!” “Hey, Anne!” I called her and started to run towards her, carrying the egg up high with both hands. I watched the egg carefully. Because of that I didn’t see Stubby, her big shepherd dog, that ran in front of me. “Oh no!” I shouted as I fell over the dog. I landed on top of the egg making a loud bang.

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